Sunday, April 23, 2006


Kansas City, KS
Saturday April 29
Healthcare Now - Creative Action / March & Rally 11:30 am KU Medical Center half block north of 39th & Rainbow to 47th and Main KCMO Costumes and props will be provided for those who wish to dress as “victims of the broken US healthcare system”

The Healthcare-NOW campaign is supporting a national single-payer healthcare system for all. It would help us get rid of our insurance company problem and our pharmaceutical drug company problem. These are the most important points we want to make.

1. In 73 cities, we are calling our Congressmembers home to hear our Solutions to the healthcare crisis.

2. In a recent poll, 65% of the people in the U.S. said they wanted a government-guaranteed healthcare system.

3. It would cost the nation 30% less money to have a single-payer healthcare system instead of one run by profiteers.

4. We could have a comprehensive health care system that covers everybody for virtually every healthcare need.

5. 50% of the the bankruptcies in the U.S. are caused by health care catastrophes.

6. Most people 70% of those who don't have health care are working -- sometimes two and three jobs.

7. Health care PROFITS are about 30% of our health care expenditures in the country.

8. We support a public-supported, privately- delivered system that provides freedom for doctors and patients.

9. We would cut down on waiting periods for health care and everybody would have more choice of doctors.

10. 95% of us would be paying less for health care than we are now. No co-pays, premiums, deductibles or health care denials.

11. This would cover all doctors, specialists, hospitals, surgeries, mental healthcare, drug treatment, optical and dental care, and long-term care.

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