Friday, December 21, 2007


This news comes to us from InfoShop and concerns a damn good organization located in Lawrence, Kansas, the birthplace of the original Oread Daily. The post manages to not mention anywhere you could send money to or what you could do if you don't happen to live in Lawrence. Go to (their web site) for information that will help.

Keeping Solidarity Open in 2008 Fundraising Update

Howdy all!

Just wanted to send out a weekly update on where we are at with our
fundraising efforts!

Our goal is to raise $30,000 for our 2008 operations of the Solidarity
Revolutionary Center and Radical Library by February 15, 2008.
This amount of money works out to an average of 250 people pledging $120
for the whole year. (This works out to $10 a month)
This amount will allow us to pay all of our rent and bills, start a
building purchasing fund, pay renter's insurance, and buy new books and
resources for the center. None of this money pays anybody! This is an all
volunteer run space, and all the money goes to keep us running!

After our second week of our 2008 fundraiser, nearly 40 people have
pledged a combined total of $6,000!! We're well on our way to
accomplishing our goal!

This is the time we need your help! If you have not made a pledge yet, we
need you! Think about how far your $120 will be going to keep a
progressive and radical community run project in Kansas operating! And not
only does your donation keep the important work of the Solidarity Center
afloat, but it also frees up the volunteers and organizers here to do more
work outside of the space... that time that would be spent doing monthly
fundraising could go into a countless amount of projects! More gardens,
anti-war organizing, countering of military recruitment, organizing
against paramilitary racist organizations operating in our communities...
Your small donation will go a long way!

So, please, if you haven't pledged yet, take the time to do so. If even
half the people on our e-mail list could come up with an average of $10 a
month, we'd hit our goal!

Please, if you can support our work... if you've supported our work in the
past... if you want to see the Solidarity Center continue to make a
positive change in the Lawrence community, let us know!

You can e-mail us and make a pledge at:

In love and solidarity!
Soli Funds Crew

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