The following announcement is from the Center for Nursing Advocacy.
Your invitation to the Emmys is here!
Well, it's not actually from the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences. It's from us. The Center for Nursing Advocacy invites all who care how global society thinks about nursing to join our first live demonstration! On August 27, 2006 (Sunday afternoon), as the glitterati arrive for the 58th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards in Los Angeles, we'll be there. We'll let those who create Hollywood's most popular and profitable hospital shows know that their work harms nursing, and tell them how they can improve, in the interest of public health.
Worldwide nursing pride
All of the most influential hospital shows--"Grey's Anatomy," "House," "ER," and "Scrubs"--are up for major Emmy awards this year. And those who only occasionally create poor nursing images, such as "The Sopranos" producers, will also be there. That means those most responsible for the poor primetime portrayals of nursing that infest the world's television sets and minds will be at the Shrine Auditorium on August 27. And so will we, on the sidewalk, communicating with the occupants of the limousines slowly advancing--and we understand that advance is slow indeed--toward the red carpet. With polite but firm signs and voices, we'll tell the producers and stars that we hope to see nurses portrayed as the serious professionals they are, not the handmaidens and losers we've come know and not love. We will tell them that we don't mind all the nursing in their shows. We'd just like to see it done by nurse characters, rather than physicians.
Imagine all the nurses...
What events do we have planned? The Emmy Awards ceremony starts at 5:00 p.m. PST on Sunday, August 27, in Los Angeles. At 1:45 p.m., we will walk from the Radisson Hotel to the Shrine Auditorium. There, with a city demonstration permit, we will assemble on the public sidewalk. As stars and producers arrive, we will speak truth to power. Though our message is in part a critical one, we anticipate a positive event that is empowering, educational, and enjoyable. The evening will be free for participants to explore greater Los Angeles, or to celebrate a constructive interaction with those who shape the nursing image.
Express yourself!
But why do this, o relentless Center? With this event, we can reach an extraordinary concentration of those whose work influences how nurses are seen by hundreds of millions of people worldwide. "Grey's Anatomy" and "House" can reach over 20 million viewers in the U.S. alone with each episode. Sadly, their portrayals of nursing are abysmal. So it is vital that they understand how serious the undervaluation of nursing is today. While our letters are powerful and are having some effect, we can reach only a few decision makers at a time with them. We want to send Hollywood a more direct message now, as it prepares its new season. The industry must learn that its work affects how people think and act toward nursing, as research shows, and that this is a key factor in the crisis that nurses and their patients now face.
The Emmys are broadcast live on NBC, and they get worldwide media coverage. So we hope this demonstration will enable us to bring our concerns to the public--the decision-makers, patients, and career seekers who are ultimately affected by media portrayals.
And there's more! This will also be a chance to get together with other nurses, nursing students, and friends to discuss together how we can work in our local communities to improve the media. Come be a part of the solution!
Get up, stand up!
Nurses can improve their image. We have seen evidence that what we say to the makers of these shows does have an impact, however little they respond to us directly. Speaking even more forcefully to those responsible will bring us closer to a world where the media reflects the true value of nursing--and nurses are treated in accord with that value.
Initial Meeting Location: Radisson Hotel, 3540 S. Figueroa St., Los Angeles,
CA 90007 (map) 1:15 p.m.
Primary Meeting Location: Shrine Auditorium, at 665 W. Jefferson Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90007. (map) 2:00 to 5:00 p.m.
The Nursing-Related Emmy Nominees
"Grey's Anatomy," "House" and "The Sopranos" (which had some poor nursing portrayals last season) have been nominated for best drama series. "Scrubs" has been nominated for best comedy series. As for the veteran "ER," James Woods was nominated for best guest actor. Sandra Oh and Chandra Wilson from "Grey's Anatomy" were nominated for best supporting actress. The Sopranos and "Six Feet Under" (which also had poor nursing portrayals in the past season) were nominated for best direction and other best acting awards.
Protest with us!
Please come protest with us from 2:00 - 5:00 p.m. August 27, 2006, at some point along the limousine procession toward the Shrine Auditorium, at 665 W. Jefferson Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90007. Exact location details will follow as we get them. (map). Please email us to let us know you are coming so we can keep an accurate head count. Thank you.
Suggested Attire
You can wear anything you wish, but we are far more noticeable--and our message is much clearer--if we dress in a similar way. So we strongly urge all to wear the Center's high quality t-shirt, with our slogan "When was the last time the media told you the truth about what nurses do?", and a stethoscope around your neck. If you would like to buy a Center t-shirt to wear with the other protesters, you may order one through this link for $15. If you order by August 20, you can pick it up at the Radisson Hotel at 1:15 pm on August 27. If you will not have a t-shirt, we suggest a plain ceil blue set of scrubs or as a second choice another plain color set of scrubs.
If you would like us to make a sign for you and have it at the Radisson Hotel for you to pick up at 1:15 p.m., you may order one by Aug. 18 for $20. You are also welcome to bring your own sign. We will post some suggested slogans soon.
March to the Protest
August 27, 1:15 p.m., Radisson Hotel -- We will collect our signs and t-shirts, which the Center will have waiting at the hotel for those who have registered, and at 1:45 p.m. we will walk three blocks to our place near the Shrine Auditorium, where the Emmys will begin at 5:00 p.m. PST. The press and participants will arrive during the ensuing three hours.
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