Below you will find comments written by Oread Daily Blog readers during the month of November. The title of the article drawing the comment appears above the comment(s). I have made no grammatical or spelling corrections.
Anonymous said...
I'm a foreigner living in Russia. Faschism has been on the rise in Russia in a scary way. All foreigners can sense that government is not moving to fight them. This country is going into a really bad way unless people WAKE UP and stop thinking that skinheads kill only foreigners! They are enemies of humanity and an enemy of humanity can't be stopped if he was given freedom!
SLFlyinghorse said...
i stumbled across your site on the net.
And after posting comments on the ADN news site, Just yesterday I got a phone call from the ADN paper. They were verifying who I was and said that my posted comments to their site would be passed onto the Editor.
So at least people are listening if someone like me can post an opinion and be recognized for it.
Racism against natives does exist.
Sadly such racism is also practiced by Natives too. Whites are racist to Natives, Whites are racist to whites. Natives are racist to Natives and whites and so on.
The sad thing about such LAW ENFORCEMENT problems is that many AK State Trooper Leaders and the various Leaders of the Native Non-profit organizations;including the local Native village leaders around the State-Can also be discriminating about who works for them.
I was a VPSO in a Native village. After the village realized that I was Proactive, took initiative regarding my work and that I had opinions-they all stopped supporting me and no one helped me.
So. There are other smaller yet equally crucial events and matters behind the scenes of every Arrest, Murder, Assault of a Native Alaskan.
great site by the way.
Anonymous said...
republicans want to kill all gays and the jews too
pes930 said...
I am so glad that the religious right has been called on the carpet for their blatantly bigoted and intolerant rantings. Other religious and political groups need to keep up the pressure on the Christian right. Their social "beliefs" break down under scrutiny. And their religious arrogance will wither as they are challenged that the "one true way" to God is through their narrowly and flawed interpretation of the bible. Their concerted effort to force a bible-based vesion of the origin of man into the school curriculum is nothing short of terrifying. As a teacher in a liberal state (Ma.) I don't have to worry about "Intelligent Design" but I would resign if I ever was put in a position that I had to teach religion in my classroom. These right wingers need to be sent to the back woods where they came from. And as a last thought, the TV preachers should have their finances meticulously examined. They are living large off the tithings of poor, lonely ,elderly people who believe all their blather. Keep up the good work Jewish leaders!
Anonymous said...
america should strive to be more like cuba
DJB said...
Please check your statements against the FACTS stated here by ABSCBN News. You will discover there, that the so-called peaceful activists admitted to police later they had no permit to enter the premises, yet they came with ladders, motorized launches and even lawyers! Such premeditation to commit illegal criminal trespass comes with severe sentences in fairly unEuropean surroundings. Which I hope these people, once properly tried and convicted, get a taste of Filipino hospitality in. Had they succeeded in playing out their fantasies of "defending" the environment, they could have damaged a facility that services poor farmers and rural folk, who can't afford ladders in order to sneak in a power plant to protest the changing weather. They would never justify any end, no matter how grand or noble, with such hypocritical and dastardly means.
David Bredhoff said...
Dear Morristown bloggers concerned with the atrocities in Sudan,
My name is David Bredhoff and I am the lead organizer of the Sudan Freedom Walk, which is a march from New York to Washington DC led by refugees from Sudan including 2 former slaves, Simon Deng and Fancis Bok.
I you would like to participate in the walk, please check out www.sudanfreedomwalk.org for more details. Also if you would like to contribute, we could use help in finding food, water and housing for the walkers on their journey. Please feel free to email me at dbredhoff@yahoo.com if you have anything to contribute. Thank you for your support of this issue that is so dear to our hearts.
All the best,
David Bredhoff
mairtin said...
Great piece of writing. I remember the LVF murders of Nationalist before the so-called cease-fire. Personally I believe the LVF stood down because the UVF threatened to slaughter them all. They had talks with the UVF prior to their announcement.
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