Friday, August 13, 2010


 Remember how the media howled about the violence and chaos in New Orleans after Katrina?  For example, on September 2, 2005, the Washington Post wrote, "Federal and local authorities struggled Thursday to regain control of this ruined and lawless city...".

Turns out they were right about the violence, but they left out an important point.  The violence was coming largely from the cops...

The following is from the Times-Picayune.

The New Orleans police's actions on Religious Street after Hurricane Katrina: An editorial
Published: Friday, August 13, 2010, 6:28 AM
Editorial page staff, The Times-Picayune 

New Orleanians are no longer surprised by the breadth of alleged police brutality around the time of Hurricane Katrina. Disgust, instead, is the likely response to allegations that officers beat and terrorized two men on Religious Street three days after the storm.
religious-street-scene.JPGA group of New Orleans police officers stands over the prone bodies of Ernest Bell and Robert Williams at the corner of Religious and Richard streets on Sept. 1, 2005.
This much is certain: On Sept. 1, 2005, Times-Picayune reporter Gordon Russell and freelance photographer Marko Georgiev saw several officers standing over the prone bodies of two men at Religious and Richard streets. The journalists couldn't determine at the time whether the men were dead or alive or why they were in custody.
But Mr. Russell recently tracked down Robert Williams and Ernest Bell. The men said they had been driving a stolen limousine, trying to escape the chaotic city, when police detained them and falsely accused them of shooting at officers. Mr. Williams and Mr. Bell said police handcuffed them and brutally beat them.
Toronto Star photographer Lucas Oleniuk witnessed part of the beating. He said one of the men had been stomped so badly that he had apparently lost control of his bowels. Mr. Oleniuk also saw officers punch one of the men in the head and kick him on the torso. Police then forcibly confiscated the memory cards in Mr. Oleniuk's cameras.
williams-religious-street.JPGNew Orleans police officer Andrew Whitaker escorts Robert Williams, in handcuffs, up Religious Street on Sept. 1, 2005. Williams says that shortly after the photo was taken, police beat him brutally.
One of those photos released recently by police shows Mr. Williams, in handcuffs, being escorted by officer Andrew Whitaker. Mr. Williams' front teeth are visible in the photo, filling a space where he now has only gums. He said he lost his teeth during the police beating.
"I was thinking we was gonna die," Mr. Williams recalled. "I was begging them to shoot me and get it over with." Mr. Bell estimated seven to 11 officers were involved in the beating.
There is no police report of the incident, and neither Mr. Williams nor Mr. Bell was arrested or charged with any crime.
Mr. Williams, who said he's worried about his safety now that he's spoken out, said he was glad someone took pictures of him and Mr. Bell that horrifying day. "I thought maybe this won't happen to someone else because of that," Mr. Williams said.
The sadistic abuse that is alleged in this case should never happen to anyone. The community and its law enforcement leaders should ensure that it doesn't. 
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