Monday, August 09, 2010


Are you kidding me.

Poor old Francis Laskowski had the temerity to say he could understand how Omar Thornton felt before he shot and killed a whole slew of people last week at Hartford Distributors.  Thornton, as you know, chronicled a history of racism directed at him at the plant before he killed himself.

Anyway, Mr. Laskowski was arrested, yes, arrested, and charged with breach of peace for making the comment.

Laskowski, who is currently out on bail, told reporters that his comments were “blown out of proportion.”

"Come on people, lighten up! I heard Omar’s 911 call and you know what, I understand why he felt he had to do what he did. Does that mean I am going to do the same? No!"

The moral of the story, if you sympathize with someone who says he was a victim of racist abuse, it might be best to keep your mouth shut...or maybe be in touch with your local bondsman.  I mean you never know what the guy or the woman might do...

By the way those on the ball Connecticut cops have also arrested a 33 year old woman who was caught on tape accepting beer from a truck driven by Thornton.  So don't accept beer from anyone either.  Buy your own and down't risk jail.

I'm losing my mind.

The following is from The Star Tribune.

Police: Man arrested at Conn. company for saying he understood mindset of shooter who killed 9

NEW HAVEN, Conn. - Connecticut police say they arrested a man at a management company after he mentioned the shooting rampage across the state that killed nine people and said he understood the killer's mindset.

Fifty-eight-year-old Francis Laskowski of Derby was charged with breach of peace Wednesday after making the comments while working at Fusco Management Co. in New Haven.

Nine people died in the shootings Tuesday at Hartford Distributors in Manchester, including gunman Omar Thornton. Thornton told police in a 911 call that he wanted to avenge racial discrimination, allegations that company officials denied.

Laskowski told The Associated Press on Friday that his comments were blown out of proportion. He says his arrest was "ridiculous" and he didn't make any threats.

Laskowski posted bail and is due in New Haven Superior Court on Tuesday.

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