Friday, May 11, 2007


The village of Latrobe is the birthplace of the banana split and professional football, Mister Rogers, Arnold Palmer, and Rolling Rock beer. Comedian Jackie Mason spent three years as a rabbi in Latrobe after his ordainment. Latrobe has a population of 8,994. It is nearly 99% white. The community was named after Benjamin Henry Latrobe Jr., a civil engineer whose father was a celebrated architect. It is located approximately 40 miles southeast of Pittsburgh. You'd think George could visit this place quietly, but nooooo.

Bush was in town to give a commencement address at St. Vincent College and those damned anti-Americans who don't support our troops showed up to spoil a good time, as usual.

Typical of the commies was Ronny Menzie who chose to join a protest on the road to the college instead of standing with her fellow graduates.

"I didn't finish my thesis because I didn't want my graduation with him," said Menzie, 35, a philosophy major. "I think it's a blight, an embarrassment on a Catholic college."

Another one of those radicals at the college, often referred to as the Berkeley of southwest Pennsylvania, Thaddeus Pajak, 22, a graduating senior, told the local leftist media that the President's Iraq policy is at odds with the education he has received at the liberal arts college, founded by Benedictine monks 161 years ago.

"What I've learned here is every human life is valuable to the last second," Pajak said. "If Iraqi civilians are dying in the numbers reported in the media, that doesn't go along with what I've learned here."

Yeah, well, Bush got his invite to speak from a former top adviser, Jim Towey, who ran the White House's Office of Faith-based and Community Initiatives until he became the school's president nine months ago. So who cares what some chickie like this Menzie broad thinks.

Some alumni threatened to cut off donations. Just let em try.

Thirty current and former faculty members wrote an open letter criticizing Bush on the war, the environment, the poor and the sick and saying that "linking the school to your administration would irreparably tarnish Saint Vincent." I say send them to Guantanamo.

It was even reported that outside agitators from up in Erie, a group of Benedictine nuns, were there protesting. I say let them try that in Bagdad, uh, whatever.

Despite the dangers, the commander in chief, who once had dental work performed while he was in the national guard spoke out.

"The government can't put love in your heart," Bush wisely pointed out. And he ought to know.

The following is from KDKA (Pennsylvania).

President's Visit Picketed By Some Local Groups

Protesters lined the streets along Route 30 in Latrobe this morning to speak out against President Bush’s visit to Saint Vincent College.

About 100 protesters from several different groups came out to picket the visit.

The groups include Benedictine Sisters, Sisters of Mercy, Veterans For Peace, and Code Pink, which is the Pittsburgh chapter of Woman For Peace. They were also joined by some local mothers who lost a child in Iraq.

One protester said it's hard picketing against a part of her community.

“It’s a very difficult thing to be here protesting against another Benedictine community,” said Sr. Marlene Bertke. “In conscious, we could not - not come.”

However, supporters of Bush expressed their unhappiness with the protests.

“I support President Bush,” said local resident, Brian Vitunac. “He protects our families from terrorists.”

School officials tightened security and the picketers were allowed about a 10th of a mile from the entrance to campus.

1 comment:

  1. The GOP as a whole, is in big trouble. They might not exist in five years.

    The Democrats are next.
