Tuesday, October 23, 2007


You watch your son go off to war. Then you are forced to see him come home to a soldiers funeral.


Yeah, but it turns out in this day and age it can get even worse.

That's what happened to Albert Snyder of York, Pennsylvania whose grieving for his son was interrupted by the soulless members of Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka Kansas.

The congregation of this church which is basically made up of the family of its rodent preacher Fred Phelps, as you probably know, get their jollies by holding up "God Hate Fags" signs at funerals. They started their vulture like activities first at the funerals of gays and then decided doing the same at the funerals of soldiers killed in Iraq would be fun, too.

Like every other American in this country of whatever political stripe (except for the Phelps pack of yoyos), I am sickened by this.

It amazes me that these folks are still running around loose with sickening grins on their faces.

Yesterday a trial of sorts started back east where Snyder is suing the "church." He says members of the church invaded his privacy and caused emotional distress when they picketed his son's funeral last year.

They did more than that, of course.

Besides angering me, you and everyone else, as they once more regurgitated themselves into our lives, they defamed themselves in the eyes of whatever deity may have been floating over the scene.

One dismissed juror said that there was no way she could have stayed impartial during this trial.

“I was almost ashamed to be a Baptist, frankly, because we're supposed to be about the compassion of Christ. There’s no compassion there… no kindness."

She is right, of course, but I hope other jurors like her keep their thoughts to themselves and give this bunch of unsavory life forms, who hide their scardy cat selves behind "freedom of speech", just what they've got coming.

The following is from WHP in Pennsylvania.

Funeral Protest Trial

Opening statements will begin Tuesday in a civil trial brought by the York County father of a dead soldier.

The dad is suing the church that protested at his son's funeral.

Albert Snyder of Spring Garden Township was not permitted to say anything as he walked into the federal courthouse in Baltimore, but he's taking on the Westboro Baptist Church of Kansas.

He says members of the church invaded his privacy and caused emotional distress when they picketed his son's funeral last year. His son was a soldier, killed in Iraq.

One dismissed juror tells us that there was no way she could have stayed impartial during this trial.

“I was almost ashamed to be a Baptist, frankly, because we're supposed to be about the compassion of Christ. There’s no compassion there… no kindness."

Westboro Baptist Church members travel across the country, protesting at military funerals. They say the troops killed are God's punishment for the United State's acceptance of homosexuals.

They claim their actions are protected under the First Amendment's guarantee of free speech.

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