Wednesday, March 07, 2007


Tacoma Protesters Target ICE Prison

Melt ICE! Peaceful Protest and Vigil for Human Rights

1-4pm, Saturday, March 10
Northwest Detention Center
1623 East J Street – Tacoma , WA

Federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement (I.C.E.) continues to terrorize immigrant communities in Washington State and across the country with increasingly militaristic raids, covert detention in for-profit facilities, and expedited deportations.

Immigrants are not terrorists! The recent raids at the UPS plants in Auburn make it clear that enforcement-only policies do not represent our communities’ respect for dignity and human rights. And at our last vigil, the Washington Minutemen showed up to intimidate visiting families and friends during visiting hours. Please join Community to Community and Hate Free Zone of Seattle in honoring the legacy and birthday of Cesar Chavez this month by standing in solidarity with hard-working immigrant families from across the state. Let’s show ICE and the racist Minuteman movement that Washington stands for justice and human rights.

For more information, call 360.752.3344 or send an email to

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