Tuesday, May 02, 2006


Some extremely ugly idiots (see photo) attacked a gay club in Moscow last night. They hurled debris and shouted slogans and obscene invectives. Old women held strange icons.

Russian MP Alexander Chuyev (Just Plain Dumb People's Party) said gays had provoked Orthodox believers to hold such protest actions.

The extremely ugly protesters threatened to stage more battles if a pride celebration scheduled for later this month is allowed to go ahead.

In March Russian Patriarch Alexy II announced his backing for Mayor Yuri Luzhkov's refusal to give a parade permit to organizers of the event.

In an open letter Alexy praised the mayor for his decision to “prevent public propaganda for immorality”.

A month earlier the leader of Russia's Muslims called for a "violent mass protest" if gay leaders go ahead with Pride celebrations.

Chief Russian Mufti Talgat Tajuddin said gays could be killed if they go ahead with their plans.

The country’s Chief Rabbi joined his buddies in the hatefest.

Rabbi Berl Lazar said that anything promoting what he called “sexual perversions” does not have the right to exist (Didn't there used to be some guy named Adolph who used to make such pronouncements?).

You can always count on these religious leaders to demonstrate the beauty of their respective faiths at times like these.

Organizers of the pride festival and parade said it will go ahead as planned for May 26-27. They warn that if the city attempts to prevent the march they will take the issue to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg.

I gotta tell you, that will take some guts.

The first article is from the BBC. The second is from Pink News.

Protests cancel Moscow gay party

Protesters shouting homophobic slogans and hurling eggs and bottles have forced
a Moscow night club to cancel a mass gay and lesbian party.

Police kept back the crowd of at least 100 skinheads, nationalists and elderly
religious protesters.

No serious injuries were reported but revellers had to be turned away and police
escorted those inside to safety.

The incident comes weeks before Moscow authorities are due to rule on allowing
the city's first Gay Pride parade.

Organisers had been hoping to attract about 1,000 people to the "Open Party" at
the Renaissance Event Club on Ordzhonikidze Street in the south of the Russian

However, just before 2200 (1800 GMT) on Sunday, as the final preparations were
being made inside, protesters began gathering in the street.
They included skinheads and elderly women carrying Russian Orthodox icons and

Demonstrators chanted "Down with pederasts" and "No perverts here".

An AFP correspondent reports that at least one party-goer was beaten by
protesters before being rescued by police but there were no official reports of

Party organisers say police numbers outside increased only gradually and there
was anxiety inside as messages arrived by mobile phone about missiles being
thrown at revellers trying to approach the club.

However, the officers were praised by gay rights campaigners for preventing any
serious violence.

Special buses laid on took people from inside the club into Moscow city centre.

Nikolai Alexeyev, one of the chief organisers of the Moscow Gay Pride, noted
that the protest had caught the city authorities unawares, coming on the eve of
the May Day holiday.

It was, he said, a "mass, coordinated action aimed at intimidating Russian gays
and lesbians".

Igor Artyomov, a leader of the Nationalist RONS party, told AFP outside the club
that the demonstration was a "peaceful" protest against "sin".

Moscow's authorities have said they will ban the Pride parade, scheduled for 27
May, because of the public disorder it might provoke.

A formal decision is not due until the middle of the month when the organisers
submit their application for permission.

Moscow gay club night cancelled following attack

The club in the Russian capital was attacked

Homophobic protesters hurling eggs and bottles have forced a gay club in Moscow to cancel what was billed as the city's largest gay and lesbian party.

Police were forced to intervene when at least 100 skinheads, fascists nationalists and elderly Christian fundamentalists clutching Orthodox icons descended on the club at 10pm (6pm GMT) last night.

Organisers had hoped to attract over a thousand people to the "Open Party" at the Renaissance Event Club in the south of Moscow.

The AFP news agency reported that at least one gay clubber was beaten by protesters although the police have not officially reported any injuries.

Nikolai Alexeyev, one of the organisers claimed of Moscow's gay pride which is due to take place later this month (with or without permission) said the attack was a "mass, coordinated action aimed at intimidating Russian gays and lesbians".

Igor Artyomov, of the Nationalist RONS party, told AFP that the demonstration was a "peaceful" protest against "sin".

The capital has been under scrutiny from the international community since its mayor, Yury Luzhkov said: “all attempts to organise a gay parade, in any form, open or disguised, will be resolutely quashed".

Responding to this, the Mayor of London, Ken Livingstone told PinkNews.co.uk in February, “I believe that equality for lesbians and gay men is a fundamental human right. Equality must include the right to hold Gay Pride Parades and other public events, which celebrate the contribution of the lesbian and gay communities to the life of the world's great cities. That is why I support the Moscow Pride Parade.”

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