Friday, May 05, 2006


NOTE: Although some media are reporting as if the siege is over simply because the Ontario and federal governments have committed to negotiations, this is not the case. Troops have not been withdrawn, and Six Nations people and supporters are still fearful of another invasion. It is also not certain that the Ontario and federal governments will engage in meaningful discussion of the key land issues. Sustained pressure is needed. Please continue to encourage people to take action.

Key current concerns:

OPP, RCMP, and any other police or military forces that have been brought to the area must immediately be withdrawn. Their presence is not protective, but rather encourages escalation.

Six Nations people reclaiming their lands are not criminals. Charges must be dropped against the people arrested on April 20.

Camp communications must not be interfered with. People in the camp must be free to contact media, loved ones, solidarity organizations, etc.

The federal and Ontario governments must move from their past positions and approach the talks with the Haudenoniso (Council of Chiefs) in an honourable and meaningful way.

Search the Oread Daily Archives for numerous previous articles on this subject.

The following comes from First Perspective.

Six Nations short on supplies at Caledonia

People camping out at the Six Nations reclamation site say they need medical supplies, personal hygiene products, food and a variety of other products.

"Sometimes there are 50 people there, sometimes there is a few hundred," Hazel Hill, who is with the group, said Thursday (May 4).

The group, which began its non-violent demostration more than two months ago, has sent an e-mail, which is circulating through its network of supporters, identifying products that are needed. Money can also be donated instead of products, Hill said.

Many of the products that are needed are low-value items, which means shipping costs would be significant in relation to the value of the products. Kitchen/food needs include such things as cookies, meat, drink crystals, cheese, ice, milk, cheese and sugar as well as dish soap, large Styrofoam cups, and plastic cutlery. Medical needs include a spinal board, a stethoscope, blankets and bandages. In all about six dozen items are listed.

Hill and another supporter at the blockade, Janie Jamieson, say they have been receiving tremendous moral support from across Canada and around the world.

"I am just totally amazed with the e-mails, " Hill said. "In the four directions around the world we are getting support"

People wanting to make donations can call 519-445-0719.

The situation near the southern Ontario town of Calcedonia has also ben marred by ugliness, with reports of pamphlet of the Ku Klux Klan being ciruculated at demonstrations by non-Aboriginal people upset by the blockade set up by Six Nations Mohawks. A public demonstration last week also included signs such as "Where is John Wayne when you need him?" Some of the people with the blockade have speculated that some people are trying to provoke confrontation so that Ontario calls in the military to take down the blockade.

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