Thursday, June 23, 2005

California Grand Jury Action Update

More on the Grand Jury action going on out in California can be reported now.

About 100 activists gathered to show solidarity to those called to testify gathered outside the Federal Building in San Francisco yesterday. Four persons were scheduled to appear before the San Francixco Grand Jury and all four had previously made it clear that they would not cooperate with the Grand Jury. Nadia Winstead (see below) one of those called read a statement on her intentions and about the abusive Grand Jury system.

Of the four who were to appear, three had their dates continued while the court heard arguments to quash their subpoenas.

One person appeared but took the Fifth and was excused…for now.

Six others are scheduled to appear in July.

Ben Rosenfeld, a lawyer who is representing the group on behalf of the National Lawyers Guild, told the demonstrators that the secret proceedings are nothing more than a star chamber used to conduct an illegal fishing expedition. "If the government really believes that these people have been harboring Mr. San Diego (the alleged target of the investigation), then what they're doing is asking them to incriminate themselves in front of the grand jury," he said. "But I don't think they really believe that. This is political. It's a government shakedown."

Another grand jury in San Francisco has been “investigating” an attack on an Ingleside police station that occurred more than 30 years ago.

In Southern California, at least nine people have been called to testify before a San Diego federal grand jury investigating a 2003 arson fire that destroyed an apartment complex that was under construction there. Three of them were scheduled to testify yesterday. They asked for but were denied a continuance in order to seek legal guidance. The San Francisco Chronicle reports, Michael Cardenas, a software engineer who says he does not consider himself an animal rights or environmental activist but was part of a coalition of groups that organized a series of "Revolution Summer" events in 2003, including a speech given by a well-known Earth Liberation Front (ELF) activist hours after the apartment fire was set, said he invoked his Fifth Amendment right not to answer the grand jury's questions.

Other San Diego environmental and animal rights activists connected to the lecture that evening in Hillcrest confirmed yesterday that they have been called before the federal grand jury. "The FBI are using this as an excuse to harass and intimidate activists who are trying to create a better world," said Cardenas.

According to the San Diego Tribune, the early morning fire Aug. 1, 2003, destroyed the nearly completed La Jolla Crossroads complex of 1,800 apartments and condominiums in University City. The loss was estimated at $50 million. The radical environmental group Earth Liberation Front – known as ELF – claimed responsibility, leaving a banner on the site saying, "If you build it, we will burn it

"The questions aren't focused on investigating the fire," said David Agranoff, who helped organize the lecture about acts of environmental protest by activist Rodney Coronado, who served a 57-month prison term after being convicted of torching a Michigan animal-testing laboratory. "The questions all seem to be very McCarthyist-like questions about the lecture," Agranoff said. "Who was there? What was said. . . .? What's wrong with a lecture?"

He added that he knows nothing about the University City fire.

Activists say a beleaguered San Diego FBI, faltering under revelations of serious intelligence failures in relation to the September 11 attacks, is rounding up a diverse group of community organizers and is compelling them to testify before a grand jury as a side show and an attack on any legitimate protest.

Among those called to appear before the Grand Jury in San Diego, for instance, are Colleen Dietzel an ocean beach resident who runs the Green Store, a place where community members come to purchase environmentally friendly products and learn about environmental issues and Elise Casby, a member of the voting reform organization VOTERR.

A press conference will be held in San Diego Tuesday, June 28th on the steps of the federal building at 12 noon. A community forum has also been planned to show support for those who have been targeted by the FBI and to discuss federal grand juries and government repression. Online donations are being accepted for the defense committee at Sources: FBI, San Diego Union Tribune, San Francisco Chronicle

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